In case you missed the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, you can find some great photos at the Christian Monitor site, and here at Animal Hubbub. And check out these lovely faces!
Daisy is not much of a beauty queen, though she does like her new FURminator. Yes, we broke down and bought one. We waited a couple days to try it, as I was worried about the loss of important undercoat warmth during this cold season. But soon, Tom was FURminating away. Even with this super-brush, grooming is still a project -- at

The process must feel like a nice massage, because Daisy wanted more.
When FURminating the legs and tummy, one must be very careful. But after we got most of her, Daisy looked a bit thinner and her red-brown coat shined beautifully. A week

I object! Daisy is a total beauty queen! A regular canine Garbo!
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