For a definitive ... well, interesting, piece on earthquakes and animals, see this 2003 National Geographic story.
".. precisely what animals sense, if they feel anything at all, is a mystery. One theory is that wild and domestic creatures feel the Earth vibrate before humans. Other ideas suggest they detect electrical changes in the air or gas released from the Earth."While Japanese researchers trust their pets, the article says, American scientists appear to be more skeptical. The bottom line, according to those creative U.S. thinkers? "More research is needed."
1 comment:
I don't think scientists have a clue as to why some animals can predict cataclysms. It's certainly, as you learned, not a skill they all have. In a survey of parents of epileptic children, about 15 percent said that their PET dogs, who had no training as service animals whatsoever, would act funny up to a half hour before their children had seizures. One woman in England, who trains hearing and epilepsy service dogs, says that she thinks it's visual, that the dogs are picking up on tics and subtle movements that precede a fit. Others says it's the scent of hormonal changes. No one knows. And no one knows why some dogs have this talent, or who they are. As a point of interest, I have friend with epilepsy who, through the wildest coincidences, adopted a Golden Retriever, from a shelter where he was about to be put down. The dog had the talent to predict her seizures, and she later trained him to be her service dog. So many mysteries! Hug Daisy for me!
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