The story of a Saint Bernard who was rescued by your faithful bloggers from neglect and maltreatment

Sure, she's got issues. Who doesn't? We're working on them. But she's got her forever home now and she knows it!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Big, shiny teeth

Daisy seems to have recovered from the anesthesia and the trauma of having her mouth messed with. You can see the gums are a bit inflamed and there's some staining, but no more calculus. Remarkably, she got good marks from the dentist for her breath.

What a smile!

What were the survey results? The readers have spoken. Daisy's nose gets far more votes for beauty than her teeth do.


Anonymous said...

I voted for the nose, but her teeth look pretty good, too!

Sally Lehrman said...

Be sure to check the link to Bark's Smiles page. Jackson had the best, I think!