We know you don't come here for surf news, but the king of 40-foot waves at Mavericks this year is South African Greg Long, who achieved a perfect score in the final heat. Not long ago, this contest was somewhat pompously called "Men Who Ride Mountains." On Saturday, though, all the surfers' talk of humility rang true. That's when the six finalists revealed that way out there on the water, while waiting on a near-flat ocean, they pulled their boards in a circle, held hands and agreed to split the $75,000 prize.
Then four-story waves started to roll in and the heat was on.
Here's the San Francisco Chronicle's coverage, where you can watch Long's ride on video. The San Jose Mercury News has this story.
I knew them danged furiners wuz commies all along! Or maybe hipppie-commies, since they wuz holdin' hands and sharing stuff.
Nah, just spiritually inclined and full of the brotherly spirit....
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